
Financing is complete for 1599 Columbus, a milestone in the redevelopment of Jackson Square

As part of the revitalization of Jackson Square, Urban Edge is building new affordable housing in the area with funding from MassHousing, DHCD, and the City of Boston. This latest development, 1599 Columbus Ave, will bring 65 units of affordable rental housing to low-income residents.

“The story of Jackson Square is a genuine ‘place-making’ triumph. Our mission every day is to develop stable and thriving communities: vibrant places that are welcoming and nurturing for those who live and work there,” said Emilio Dorcely, CEO of Urban Edge. “We are happy to be bringing more affordable housing and new economic opportunities – with 1599 Columbus Avenue – that will further enhance this wonderful neighborhood.”

Financing is Complete for 1599 Columbus Avenue in Boston – MassHousing